Saint of the day May 21: Saint Christopher Magellan and fellow martyrs. Catholic Saints

Saint of the day May 21: Saint Christopher Magellan and fellow martyrs.  Catholic Saints

Every May 21, the Catholic Church celebrates Saint Christopher Magellan and fellow martyrs. Father Cristóbal, like many other brave Mexican Catholics, offered his life for love of Christ and his Church during the dark years of the ‘Cult Tolerance Law’ in Mexico, promulgated by President Plutarco Elías Calles (1877- 1945).

The purpose of this law was to restrict and decimate Catholic worship in the country, which unleashed cruel persecution organized by the State. For this reason, many Catholics ended up taking up arms in defense of their lives, their rights and their faith. This conflict is known as the “Cristera War.”

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God does not want war

“I am and die innocent; I wholeheartedly forgive the authors of my death and I ask God that my blood serves for the peace of disunited Mexicans”; These were the last words of Saint Christopher Magellan, spoken in front of his executioners moments before his execution. Father Cristóbal knew well that his country was bleeding because of hatred and that is why he wanted to die calling for peace. The exemplary participation of this saint in defense of the Catholic faith and religious freedom is partially captured in the film “Cristiada” (2012).

Cristóbal Magallanes Jara was born in 1869, in Totatiche, Jalisco (Mexico), into a very humble family. He worked in the fields until he was 19 years old and then entered the Guadalajara seminary. There he distinguished himself for his honesty, piety and dedication. He was ordained a priest in 1899.

Father Cristóbal served as chaplain and deputy director of the Guadalajara School of Arts and Crafts. He organized catechetical centers and schools in the rancherías, and built an orphanage. He was appointed parish priest of Totatiche, his native land, a position he held for 17 years, until the day of his death.

In the crucial hour

On May 21, 1927, Saint Christopher Magellan was on his way to celebrate a religious festival in honor of Saint Rita in one of the ranches around his parish, when a shootout occurred between ‘cristeros’ (a group of Catholics taking up arms). ) and government forces. The priest was arrested and taken to the Totatiche prison, where he was held together with his vicar, Father Caloca.

Hours later, the two were taken to the municipal palace of Colotlán, Jalisco, and accused of conspiring against the government. This was nothing more than a pretext to get rid of them since there was no proof that the priests were involved in any conspiracy. It was then decided that both men would be executed simply for being priests. Four days after their arrest, on May 25, Father Magallanes and Father Caloca were taken out into the courtyard to be shot. Father Cristóbal, seeing his companion in fear, told him: “Calm down son, just a moment and we will be in heaven.”

After giving absolution to each other, they faced each other and were felled by the fire of the firing squad. Father Caloca even shouted: “For God we live and for Him we die.”

Mexico, land of martyrs

Pope Saint John Paul II canonized both priests on May 21, 2000, along with 23 other martyrs, including three lay people. Here is the list of those who gave their lives for their faith:

Román Adame Rosales, Priest
Rodrigo Aguilar Aleman, Priest
Julio Alvarez Mendoza, Priest
Louis Batis Sainz, Priest
Mateo Correa Magallanes, Priest
Atilano Cruz Alvarado, Priest
Miguel De La Mora De La Mora, Priest
Pedro Esqueda Ramirez, Priest
Margarito Flores Garcia, Priest
Jose Isabel Flores Varela, Priest
David Galvan Bermudez, Priest
Salvador Lara Puente, Layman
Pedro de Jesús Maldonado Lucero, Priest
Jesus Mendez Montoya, Priest
Manuel Morales, Layman
Justin Orona Madrigal, Priest
Sabas Reyes Salazar, Priest
Jose Maria Robles Hurtado, Priest
David Roldan Lara, Layman
Toribio Romo Gonzalez, Priest
Jenaro Sanchez Delgadillo, Priest
David Uribe Velasco, Priest
Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles, Priest

If you want to know more about Father Magellan and the Cristero War, we recommend this article from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

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