Saint of the day May 17: San Pascual Bailón. Catholic Saints

Saint of the day May 17: San Pascual Bailón.  Catholic Saints

Every May 17, the Church celebrates San Pascual Bailón, a Franciscan friar from the 16th century who stood out for his immense love for Jesus the Eucharist, nourishment of the soul. This love and dedication that Pascual had for the sacramental Christ – to whose contemplation he dedicated long hours – was so great that Pope Leo XIII, on November 28, 1897, declared him “Patron of Eucharistic Congresses and Eucharistic associations.” ”.

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Although the good Pascual barely knew how to read and write, he was able to express himself with great eloquence about the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. This must be doubly emphasized, since his times were those of the expansion of the ideas of the Protestant Reformation.

Protestantism, wanting to free the human spirit from supposedly unnecessary burdens imposed by men, allowed itself to be seduced by the wave of skepticism that arose due to the infidelity of many, but which did not have to end with the mystery that Christ entrusted to the Church that He Himself founded. Unfortunately, the Protestant Reformation destroyed very precious gifts, indispensable for salvation, such as those related to the sacraments, beginning with the Eucharist and the Real Presence of the Lord in the forms of bread and wine.

God shows himself to the smallest and simplest

As for Pascual, being only a lay brother, he confirmed his brothers in the faith, teaching them how denying the miracle of the Eucharist imposes serious distortions on the understanding of divine love. God gave Pascual what is known as “infused science”, that is, the acquisition of vast theological knowledge through the action of the Spirit, without there having been any prior studies.

The friar constantly surprised those who listened to him or asked him complex questions with thoughtful and illuminating answers. God did in him the same thing as with many simple men and women, who have received the gift of infused science throughout the history of the Church, for the benefit and edification of many hearts that long to know God. And, also, for the instruction of those who, properly instructed, believe they have penetrated the divine mystery, forgetting its real depth and gratuitousness.

The Easter of the Holy Spirit

Pascual Bailón was born in Torrehermosa in the kingdom of Aragon (Spain), on May 24, 1540. The day of his birth coincided with the feast of Pentecost, called in Spain “the Easter of the Holy Spirit”, which is why he received the name “Paschal”.

His parents were peasants and farmers, and he also dedicated himself to this noble work between the ages of seven and twenty-four, when he entered the convent of the minor friars (Franciscans) of Albatera.

Due to his little education, he was assigned very simple jobs: janitor, cook, errand boy and sweeper. He dedicated his free time to Eucharistic adoration, always kneeling with his arms crossed. At night he returned to the chapel and spent a few more hours before the Blessed Sacrament, then slept for a while and then got up and continued his early morning adoration, before joining in with his brothers and sisters in his daily work.

The miracle of the “Hermitage of the Apparition”

In the district of Orito, Monforte del Cid (Spain), is the “Hermitage of the Apparition”. In that place, which can be visited today, Saint Pascual had a vision of Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist. This fact was tremendously significant for the saint’s life. That encounter with the sacramental Lord, in a very personal way, instilled in him an immense desire to guide others towards the heights of the spirit, where all the love of God is concentrated in the simple Bread, food of eternal life.

This fact led the Church to name Pascual “patron of Eucharistic congresses.”

Apostle of the Eucharist

He was once entrusted with carrying a message – an official letter – to the general of the Franciscan Order, who was at that time in Paris (France). Pascual used that trip as an opportunity to announce the Gospel and share the joy that filled his heart. Pope LeoThe most provident apostolic letter of Pope Leo XIII). Many, through Saint Pascual, were converted and approached God.

Saint Pascual Bailón died on May 15, 1592, Pentecost Sunday. Abundant were the testimonies of the miracles that were wrought after his death, thanks to his intercession.

The Franciscan saint was beatified on October 29, 1618 by Pope Paul V, and canonized on October 16, 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. His cult flourished above all in his native land (the Alicante region of Orito, Monforte del Cid), but also in Elche, Alicante, Novelda, Aspe, Crevillente, Vega Baja and the town of Villarreal; and in southern Italy. He also spread widely in the rest of Spain and South America.

The kitchen of San Pascual

A curious fact, related to America, has made San Pascual the “patron saint of cuisine.”

During the times of the viceroyalty of New Spain (the territories of the New Continent annexed to the Crown, today Mexico) a beautiful tradition spread. The cooks of the time used to entrust themselves to San Pascual as the “holy protector of the stove and accidents in the kitchen.”

Popular culture perpetuated the custom of mentioning him in phrases or sayings, in the form of prayers like this: “San Pascual Baylón, dance for me on this stove. You give me the seasoning, and I dedicated a danzón to you.” Today, in some places the ‘San Pascual Bailón’ award is still offered to the best chefs.

If you want to know more about this kind kitchen saint, we recommend this article from the Catholic Encyclopedia: the.

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