Saint of the day May 15: San Isidro Labrador. Catholic Saints

Saint of the day May 15: San Isidro Labrador.  Catholic Saints

The day the Muslims took control of the entire city, many Catholics preferred to flee to more remote areas. This was the case of María and Isidro. Both suffered uprooting and experienced what forced migrants go through: lack, discomfort and having to work in an unknown place. At that time, Isidro began to visit the poor and sick, without neglecting his wife and son, with whom he was seen walking from time to time through the fields and streams.

The miracle of the well

One of the miracles attributed to him is having saved a child who fell with a basket into a very deep well. The holy spouses, who were nearby, immediately came to help him but could not find a way to rescue the boy. Then, they knelt down to pray with such faith that the waters of the well began to rise and the little one appeared on the surface inside the basket, safe and sound.

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