Saint of the day June 30: Holy protomartyrs of Rome.  Catholic Saints

Every June 30 we remember the “Holy Protomartyrs of the Holy Roman Church.” They died during the first persecution in history, organized against the Catholic Church (second half of the 1st century). They suffered terrible torments and gave their lives just to call themselves ‘Christians’, followers of Jesus of Nazareth. The Church has consequently granted them the title of ‘protomartyrs’ – a term from ancient Greek – which means ‘first martyrs’ or ‘first witnesses’.

A crowd dressed in white

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The historical sources that account for his martyrdom are both pagan (non-religious) and Christian. Thus, for example, Tacitus (c. 55-c. 120), Roman politician and historian, recorded what happened in his Annals; while the bishop of Rome at that time, Pope Saint Clement (fd-97), did the same.

“To these men (Peter and Paul), teachers of a holy life, came to be added a great multitude of elect who, having suffered many tortures and torments also for emulation, have become a magnificent example for us,” writes Saint Clement. in his letter to the Corinthians.

Lies and hate crimes

With the announcement of the Good News led by the Apostles, the number of faithful increased more and more. Unfortunately, the anti-Christian climate caused the Roman senate to reject the “new religion” because it was considered contrary to Roman traditions, declaring it “illicit” in the year 35 AD.

Later, Emperor Nero, to get rid of the accusation of having ordered the burning of Rome, took advantage of the situation and blamed the Christians for being the true authors of the fire. Nero blamed Christians for practicing an evil religion, which included cannibalism – a distorted and perverse allusion to the Eucharist – and for promoting incest, due to the custom of calling each other brothers and greeting each other with the kiss of peace.

In this way, Nero unleashed an infamous persecution in which many perished for proclaiming and believing in the true God, the God of love, revealed in Jesus Christ.

In the memory of the Church

He Jeronimian Martyrology It is the first to record the commemoration of these bloody events, in which more than 900 Christians were murdered. In this document, June 29 is designated as the day dedicated to the memory of these men and women, coinciding with the anniversary of Saints Peter and Saints Paul, apostles and columns of the Church. The first mention of protomartyrs in the 16th century is attributed to Saint Pius V in the 16th century. Roman Martyrology, dated June 24. Currently, the Church commemorates them every June 30, a day after the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Saint Paul.

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