Saint of the day June 2: Saint Felix of Nicosia. Catholic Saints

Saint of the day June 2: Saint Felix of Nicosia.  Catholic Saints

Every June 2, Saint Felix of Nicosia is celebrated, a humble Capuchin friar (Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor) of the 18th century, an example of austerity, dedication and, above all, love of God, manifested in obedience and charity. with the poor and vulnerable.

Saint Felix was born in the Sicilian city of Nicosia (Italy) in the year 1715. His given name was Filippo Giacomo Amoroso. At the age of 20, he asked to be admitted to the convent of the Capuchin Franciscans as a lay brother, since, being illiterate, he could not aspire to be a clergyman.

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He was rejected for 8 consecutive years, until he was finally admitted to the convent of Mistretta, Sicily. He made his final profession on October 10, 1774, and was immediately sent to the convent in Nicosia, his native town.

Benevolent, but rich

For much of his religious life he worked as an almoner. Every day he walked the streets of his town knocking on the doors of the rich, inviting them to share his goods and go to God, to whom we are all debtors.

Then, he would knock on the doors of the poor, offering assistance in their needs and reminding them that even in the midst of poverty there is much to offer and share. In this way, he himself became a link between each other, helping to break down social walls.

With his kind behavior, Saint Felix moved his contemporaries, especially because he always gave thanks, both when he received donations and when they rejected or mistreated him. In either case his response was the same: “Be it for the love of God.”

Illiterate but wise

Although he was illiterate, he knew the Holy Scriptures and Christian doctrine well, as he made an effort to retain the biblical passages that were most significant to him, as well as the texts of the spiritual teachers that were read in the convent during meals.

He did something similar with what he heard in the homily. Brother Felix forcefully demonstrated that he was really good at treasuring what came to his ears and, once internalized, sharing it with anyone who needed it.

He was a great lover of the Eucharist (he spent hours praying before the Tabernacle). He professed a particular devotion to the Virgin of Sorrows (he carried an image of Her on his chest for thirty years) and to the Passion of Christ (he used to meditate on Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross with his arms crossed).

Docile instrument of God

Saint Felix’s greatest aspiration was to correspond as best as possible to the love of God. He knew that if he clung to God, everything else would fall into place. He also knew that if there was anything to worry about, it should be putting God first, always.

The Lord, knowing that he was repaired by the piety of the humble saint, adorned his life with the gift of curing illnesses, both of the body and the soul. In the name of Christ he worked many miracles. It is also known that good Brother Félix received the gift of bilocation, thanks to which he served more people.

The saint died on May 31, 1787 in the convent of Nicosia, his home, at the age of 78. He was beatified on February 12, 1888 by Pope Leo XIII and canonized on October 23, 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI.

“Be it for the love of God”

In the homily of the canonization Mass, the Pope pronounced some words dedicated to Saint Felix: “”Be it for the love of God.” Thus we can well understand how intense and concrete the experience of the love of God revealed to men in Christ was in him. This humble Capuchin friar, illustrious son of the land of Sicily, austere and penitent, faithful to the most authentic expressions of the Franciscan tradition, was shaped and gradually transformed by the love of God, lived and updated in the love of neighbor. Fray Félix helps us discover the value of the small things that enrich life, and teaches us to grasp the meaning of family and service to brothers, showing us that the true and lasting joy that the heart of every human being longs for “It is the fruit of love.”

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