Saint of the day January 12: Saint Margaret Bourgeoys.  Catholic Saints

The sisters created and ran a farm where they produced enough food to help weather the famine that struck the population of Ville-Marie. And not only that, the nuns turned the place into an instruction center for farmers where peasants learned about animal husbandry and spice cultivation.

God’s times

The religious order that Margaret founded received ecclesiastical approval in 1698. With this, the nun was enabled to finally pronounce her vows in perpetuity at the age of 78. This happened when the saint no longer exercised the government of her community. The rest of Margarita’s days were spent in prayer and writing her memoirs.

Saint Margaret Bourgeoys died on January 12, 1700 in the city of Montreal, Canada. She was beatified by Pope Pius XII in 1950 and canonized in 1982 by Saint John Paul II.

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