Saint of the day August 19: Saint Ezequiel Moreno. Catholic Saints

Saint of the day August 19: Saint Ezequiel Moreno. Catholic Saints

Every August 19, San Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz OAR (1848-1906), an Augustinian Recollect priest born in Spain, who served as bishop of Pinara, Colombia, and, later, of the diocese of Pasto in that same country, is celebrated. He is venerated as the patron saint of cancer patients, a disease that he suffered firsthand.

Saint Ezekiel possessed such missionary ardor that he did not hesitate to risk everything for the noblest cause: from crossing mighty rivers to enduring the inclemency of the tropical climate, all in order to bring more souls to the foot of the Cross. The saint was characterized by his strong spirit, tested in hardships, in the face of unjustified criticism or in illness. By virtue of this passionate dedication to God and his constant work, he is considered one of the greatest apostles of the evangelization of Latin America and the Philippines.

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How a missionary heart is forged

Ezequiel Moreno Díaz was born on April 9, 1848 in Alfaro, Rioja (Spain). His parents were Félix Moreno and Josefa Díaz, both of humble backgrounds, but devout souls, aware that the Catholic faith is the highest treasure of a family.

That pious spirit imprinted in the home marked his heart forever. From early childhood, Ezequiel was attracted to religious life, which does not mean that he had everything clear from the beginning. He, like so many others, went from incipient attraction to mature awareness of what a vocation entails.

The saint was a child like any other: lively and very playful, although he always showed a spirit of sacrifice. It would be during adolescence that he began to develop a less common side: on more than one occasion he stopped attending a town festival – one of those that everyone goes to – to stay in the care of a sick friend or family member. After a night watching over his neighbor, in a gesture that someone could describe as “heroic,” he returned to being the ordinary boy who liked to sing and play the guitar.

However, great surprise occurred among his friends and family when good Ezequiel expressed his desire to dedicate himself entirely to God, through service to those who suffer.


At only 16 years old, following the example of his older brother, Eustaquio, he entered the convent of the Augustinian Recollects in Monteagudo, Navarra, on September 21, 1864. A year later he made his religious profession and four years later he was sent as a missionary. to the Philippines. There he completed his training and was ordained a priest on June 3, 1871.

Some time later, he was sent with his brother to evangelize the inhabitants of the island of La Paragua (Palawan, one of the Philippine islands). Ezekiel contracted malaria there, a generally fatal disease at that time, so he was forced to return to Manila and interrupt his ministry. God, who wanted him for other companies, granted him health back.

In 1876, Father Ezequiel was appointed parish priest of Lespinasse and four years later conventual preacher of Manila; There he assumed the reins of an estate of the Augustinian Recollects in Imus – he was a notable administrator and promoter of charitable works.

“A single soul is worth more than my entire life” (Saint Ezequiel Moreno)

In 1888, he returned to the convent of Monteagudo (Spain) as prior. For three years he worked to leave in the young novices the seal of Augustinian spirituality and love for the poor. Those were times of spiritual demand and tension: Father Ezequiel constantly encouraged the candidates to give up small things to love with more freedom or generosity; and he had to set the example.

Several times, he and everyone living in the convent reduced their food rations in order to adequately supply the beggars and homeless people.

‘God and Colombia’

Three years later, at the beginning of the following decade, Father Ezequiel embarked again as a missionary. This time his destination was Bogotá (Colombia), in America, where he would live austerely for five years, occupying the position of provincial of his Order. There he dedicated himself to preaching and caring for the sick, and he made several trips to the Casanare region – an area little explored at that time – to evangelize and administer the sacraments.

In 1894, the Augustinian was named titular bishop of Pinara and Vicar Apostolic of Casanare. As bishop he stood out for his pastoral care and fidelity to the Church. He created the work program called ‘God and Colombia’ without stopping his missionary work. He continued with visits to remote or difficult-to-access areas, moved by his apostolic motto: “A single soul is worth more than my entire life.”

In 1896, he was appointed bishop of Pasto. His forceful preachings against bad politicians or the dissemination of confusing doctrines such as liberalism – very in vogue in those days – as well as his usual simplicity in front of the people provoked the anger of his enemies. Unfortunately, among these there were some bishops, who would attack him through the local press. Despite everything, Saint Ezekiel treated his attackers with mercy and always included them in his prayers.

back home

In 1905, he was diagnosed with cancer and, faced with repeated pleas from his brothers and the people who loved him, he decided to embark for Spain to undergo surgery. Unfortunately, the intervention was very painful and was unsuccessful. The good Father Ezequiel became progressively physically weaker, but not the spirit of prayer that flowed from his lips: “My God, give me the courage to suffer for you.”

Saint Ezequiel Moreno y Diaz died on August 19, 1906. He was beatified by Pope Saint Paul VI in 1975, and on October 11, 1992 he was canonized by Pope Saint John Paul II, within the framework of the celebration of the IV Conference of the Latin American Episcopate in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on the occasion of the V Centenary of the Evangelization of the American Continent.

If you want to know more about Saint Ezequiel Moreno you can read this article from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

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