Saint of the day April 17: Saint Catherine Tekakwitha.  Catholic Saints

In Sault Ste. Marie, on Christmas Day, Saint Catherine (Kateri) made her First Communion and solemnly promised God to remain a virgin for the rest of her life. Thus, consecrated to God, she dedicated herself to a life of prayer and the practice of virtue. She became a missionary, an evangelizer of her contemporaries, at the same time as her most fervent defender. Accompanied by the spiritual guidance of some members of the Society of Jesus, Catherine made her love for Christ, present in the Eucharist, grow; a love that she reverted to serving her brothers.

Saint Catherine left for the Father’s House on April 17, 1680, during Holy Week of that year. At the time of her death she was only 24 years old; and her last words were: “Jesus, I love you!”

After his death there were numerous conversions among his people, to the point that his tomb in Caughnawaga – the place where he died – became a destination for pilgrims, most of them natives. In 1884, Father Clarence Walworth had a monument erected next to his grave.

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