Saint John Bosco’s vocational dream inspires a musical show

“Precisely because this seems impossible to you, you must make it possible through obedience and the acquisition of science,” he answered, promising that to obtain knowledge he would have a “Teacher (…) without whom all wisdom becomes foolishness.” ”.

Little Juan still didn’t know who he was talking to and, when he asked, he received the answer: “I am the Son of the one whom your mother accustomed you to greet three times a day.” But, as he insisted on asking her name, he told him: “Ask my mother for my name,” at which point he saw next to Him “a Lady of majestic appearance, dressed in a mantle that shone everywhere, as if every one of its points was a shining star.”

That woman asked him to come closer and encouraged him in the mission received with a metaphor about fierce and gentle animals that he also did not understand to the point of crying. Begging for an intelligible explanation, the Lady reassured him: “In due time you will understand everything” and he concluded her vision.

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