Saint Joan of Arc: 2 Popes highlighted her heroic virtues

Saint Joan of Arc: 2 Popes highlighted her heroic virtues

On the occasion of the liturgical memory of Saint Joan of Arcit is useful to remember the words that Pope Benedict XV pronounced about her on May 16, 1920, on the occasion of her canonization.

Benedict XV would say of the Maid of Orleans that “his innocence, his faith, his holiness and his obedience to the will of God—for the observance of which he endured everything, even a cruel and unjust death—” is an example for all men.

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To the bubble Divine disposer would proclaim the sainthood of the young French woman, burned at the stake at the age of 19, on May 30, 1431, after a controversial trial at the hands of an ecclesiastical court (although her conviction was driven by political reasons), within the framework of the Hundred Years War, that confronted the kingdoms of France and England.

Joan always fulfilled her duty fully, said Benedict XV, especially before God, “to the point that she attracted the admiration of everyone.” Even the admiration of her parish priest, who would go so far as to affirm of the saint that she “had never seen, nor had in her parish, a better one than her.”

From a very young age she used to receive the sacraments very often, observed fasts and attended Mass daily. On holidays, she reads in the bull, instead of resting like girls her age, she went to church to offer candles to the Blessed Virgin.

“She also felt transported by such a great love for God and the worship that is due to him, that in the evening, even when she was in the field, as soon as she heard the church bell, she bowed her knees and raised her mind to God.” , indicated Benedict XV.

Until the last moment of her life, after having fought bravely for the liberation of France, Joan always accepted suffering and suffering willingly, offering it to the Lord with great devotion:

“She clearly understood that death was given to her because of her mission and, entrusting herself with all her strength not only to the Blessed Virgin Mary, but also to the Blessed Archangel Michael, to Blessed Catherine and to all the Saints, until the last moment of his life. “She declared that she had done everything by the will of God,” the Pope said.

Benedict XVI also highlighted the virtues of Joan of Arc

Like his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI was also a great defender of the sanctity and heroism of Saint Joan of Arc.

In 2011, during a general audience in the Paul VI Hallexpressed that the young French woman is “a beautiful example of holiness for lay people engaged in political life, especially in the most difficult situations.”

Furthermore, the German Pope also highlighted the prayer life of the Maid of Orleansstating that his testimony “invites us to a high measure of Christian life: to make prayer the guiding thread of our days.”

Juana teaches to “have full confidence in fulfilling the will of God, whatever it may be; live charity without favoritism, without limits and drawing, like her, from the love of Jesus a deep love for the Church,” she concluded.

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