Saint Francis and the Porziuncola: This is how you can obtain plenary indulgence today and tomorrow

Saint Francis and the Porziuncola: This is how you can obtain plenary indulgence today and tomorrow

Starting at noon today, August 1, and throughout the day tomorrow, August 2, faithful who visit a Franciscan church anywhere in the world will be able to obtain the traditional plenary indulgence of the Porziuncula.

This gift also requires the usual conditions of sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion and prayer for the Pope’s intentions.

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In statements to ACI Prensa, Brother Gonzalo Cateriano, former provincial of the Capuchin Franciscans in Peru, highlighted the “great desire of Saint Francis of Assisi that all souls be saved” and that the faithful “with piety and devotion” receive indulgence in compliance with the provisions of the Church.

He also noted that “in the past it was very difficult for the Church to grant indulgences,” since they were only obtained on pilgrimage to some places such as the Holy Land. However, “now the ‘Forgiveness’ of Assisi can be obtained in all the Franciscan churches of the world from the eve of the central feast.”

Likewise, Brother Cateriano invited all people to come and receive it.

History of the indulgence of the Porziuncola

The granting of the indulgence of the Porziuncula occurred in 1216, when Saint Francis left for Perugia with brother Maseo to see Pope Honorius III. The previous night Christ himself and the Virgin, surrounded by angels, had appeared to him in the chapel of Santa María de los Ángeles, in Assisi.

In this apparition, the saint asked the Lord to grant an indulgence to all who visited the church dedicated to the Virgin under the invocation of Mary of the Angels. The Lord accepted and ordered him to go to Perugia, to obtain the desired favor from the Pope. The Holy Father granted grace.

In 1966, Pope Paul VI published the apostolic letter Sacrosancta Portiunculae on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the granting of the Porziuncula indulgence, where he expressed his desire that the “anniversary of the institution of this indulgence be celebrated in such a way that the Porziuncula truly is that holy place where total forgiveness is achieved and peace with God becomes stable.”

Furthermore, referring to the pilgrimages that the faithful make to the place, he indicated that “God willing that the pilgrimage, transmitted for centuries, to the church of the Porziuncula, which Our own Predecessor John XXIII undertook with a pious spirit, does not end but rather May the multitude of faithful who come here to encounter Christ, rich in mercy, and with his Mother, who always intercedes before Him, continually grow.

Where is the Porziuncola?

The small church known as Porziuncola, which Saint Francis dedicated to Saint Mary of the Angels, is located in Assisi (Italy), within the great Basilica that bears the same name as this Marian dedication. The Basilica dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries.

This church was the second home of the saint and his first brothers, as well as the place where on the afternoon of October 3, 1226, Saint Francis died. There, furthermore, on Palm Sunday of 1211, Saint Francis received the consecration of Saint Clare, giving rise to the Poor Clares.

Prayer to gain the indulgence of the Porziuncola

The Catholic Encyclopedia proposes an ancient prayer to obtain the grace of the indulgence of the Porziuncula, praying for the intentions of the Holy Father. Next the prayer.

My God and Lord! I believe that you are truly present in this holy temple; I adore you with all the submission of my soul; I repent, Lord, of all my sins and I propose amendment; I beg you, my God, to grant me the grace of gaining the holy indulgence that You Yourself granted to Your servant the humble Saint Francis, and that I apply for myself or for… (here the name of the soul of some deceased person is said for which he wants to profit). To this end I beg you, for the intentions of the Roman Pontiff, for the exaltation of the Holy Church, for the peace of Christian governments and for the conversion of all poor and unfortunate sinners.
And You, oh Queen of the Angels, intercede for me, making up for, with your powerful mediation, my defects in this prayer. Most loving protector of all souls, most blessed Saint Joseph, protect me with your protection. My guardian angel, accompany me in this holy exercise. Seraphic and glorious Father Saint Francis and all the Angels and Blessed Ones, intercede for me. Amen.
Pray six Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory to the Father for the Pope’s intention.

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