Rosary for peace in the Vatican: Pope Francis asks the Virgin Mary to silence the noise of weapons

Rosary for peace in the Vatican: Pope Francis asks the Virgin Mary to silence the noise of weapons

Pope Francis led the prayer of the Holy Rosary for the gift of peace in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, on the afternoon of this October 6. In a special prayer, the Holy Father addressed the Virgin, begging her to silence “the noise of weapons that cause death.”

On the eve of the day of fasting and prayer for peace in the Holy Land that he called for Monday, October 7, the Holy Father told the Virgin Mary, that in that major basilica she is venerated in the invocation of Salvation of the Roman People (‘Health’ or ‘Salvation’ of the Roman people), his trust: “We look up to you, we immerse ourselves in your eyes and we entrust ourselves to your heart.”

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El Papa Francisco rezó el Santo Rosario por la paz en la Basílica de San María la Mayor

The Pontiff asked the Mother of God to hear “our cry”: “come help us in this time when we are oppressed by injustice and devastated by wars.”

“Mother, direct your maternal gaze to the human family, which has lost the joy of peace and has lost the sense of brotherhood,” she later implored.

The Holy Father asked Saint Mary to convert “the hearts of those who feed hatred, silence the noise of weapons that cause death, extinguish the violence that lives within man and inspire projects of peace in the decisions of those who “they govern the nations.”

“Mother, Queen of the holy Rosary, untie the knots of selfishness and dispel the dark clouds of evil,” added the Pope, who also asked the Virgin to “fill us, your children, with your tenderness, lift us up with your kind hand and Give us your Mother’s caress.”

One year since Hamas terrorist attack against Israel and the start of the war

The prayer of the Rosary for the gift of peace, and the day of fasting and prayer for peace in the Holy Land called by the Holy Father for Monday, October 7, are part of the first year of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel, that unleashed the war that is currently shaking the Middle East.

This afternoon, during the Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, the Pope remembered precisely this tragic anniversary and asked that “we should not forget that there are still many hostages in Gaza, for whom I ask for the immediate release.”

“Since that day, the Middle East has been plunged into increasingly serious suffering, with destructive military actions that continue to hit the Palestinian population,” he lamented, while reiterating his call for “an immediate ceasefire on all fronts.” ”.

“Let us unite with the force of Good against the diabolical plots of war,” he added.

Pope Francis’ prayer to the Virgin Mary for peace

Below is the full text of Pope Francis’ prayer in the recitation of the Holy Rosary to implore the gift of peace, as it was published by Vatican Newsofficial Vatican news agency:

Oh Mary, our Mother, we are here again before you. You know the pain and fatigue that overwhelm our hearts at this hour. We look up to you, we immerse ourselves in your eyes and we entrust ourselves to your heart.

Also for you, oh Mother, life reserved difficult trials and human fears, but you were brave and bold; You entrusted everything to God, you responded with love, you offered yourself unconditionally. As an intrepid Woman of charity, you quickly went to help Isabel; You quickly perceived the need of the spouses during the wedding at Cana; With inner strength on Calvary you illuminated the night of pain with Easter hope. Finally, with Motherly tenderness you encouraged the fearful disciples in the Cenacle and, with them, you welcomed the gift of the Spirit.

Now we beg you, hear our cry! We need your loving gaze that invites us to trust in your Son Jesus. You who are willing to welcome our pains, come to help us in this time when we are oppressed by injustice and devastated by wars; wipe away the tears on the suffering faces of those who mourn the death of their loved ones, their own children; awaken us from the lethargy that has darkened our path and strip our hearts of the weapons of violence, so that Isaiah’s prophecy may soon be fulfilled: “They will forge plowshares with their swords and spears with their pruning hooks. One nation will not lift up a sword against another, nor will they train for war any more” (Is 2:4).

Mother, direct your maternal gaze to the human family, which has lost the joy of peace and has lost the sense of brotherhood. Mother, intercede for our world in danger, to protect life and reject war; to care for the suffering, the poor, the defenseless, the sick and the afflicted, and protect our common home.

We beseech you, Mother, the mercy of God, you who are the Queen of peace! It converts the hearts of those who feed hatred, silences the noise of weapons that cause death, extinguishes the violence that lives within man and inspires peace projects in the decisions of those who govern nations.

Mother, Queen of the holy Rosary, untie the knots of selfishness and dispel the dark clouds of evil. Fill us, your children, with your tenderness, lift us up with your kind hand and give us your Mother’s caress, which makes us wait for the advent of a new humanity where “the desert will be an orchard and the orchard will seem like a forest. Right will dwell in the desert and justice will dwell in the garden. The work of justice will be peace” (Is 32:15-17).

O Mother, Salus Populi Romani, pray for us!

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