Rosario de Ferraz: Government of Spain imposes a new fine and prohibitions

Rosario de Ferraz: Government of Spain imposes a new fine and prohibitions

The Government of Spain, through its Madrid delegation, has once again fined the organizer of the Rosario de Ferraz, José Andrés Calderón, and has announced that it will not allow the celebration of the prayer on July 1 and 2.

The Ferraz Rosary is a call to pray the Marian prayer for the conversion of Spain and the entire world that has been carried out since November 12, 2023 on the steps of the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary every afternoon from 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

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According to the police and administrative documentation to which ACI Prensa has had access, the fine agreed by the Government Delegation in Madrid, for an amount of 600 euros, is filed alleging a minor administrative infraction against Calderón. The reason is that it is understood that there is a cause-effect relationship between the final words spoken by Calderón after the prayer and some small disturbances that occurred minutes later.

These events consisted of a man rebuking a driver and hitting the hood of the car and a woman dousing an agent with water from a bottle.

ACI Prensa has consulted the sanctioning agreement of the Government Delegation, an Intervention Report prepared by two agents, the Report of the complaint against Calderón and the Report of the Demonstration signed by the chief sub-inspector of the Police Intervention Unit (UIP) device. . All of them maintain that the small disturbances occurred at 8:05 p.m. on May 16, just five minutes after the prayer concluded.

However, ACI Prensa has also had access to the report of the complaint against the protagonist of the incident with the driver, a man who responds to the acronym JFRL. In this document, it is established that the events occurred at 8:15 p.m., which Calderón’s judgment weakens the presumption of causality on which the complaint is based.

On the other hand, both the report prepared by the head of the anti-riot device, and the Intervention Report that he signs together with another agent, reflect that, although an attempt was made to locate Calderón, he was not at the site of the subsequent protests. to pray the Rosary.

What did Calderón say to make the police believe he encouraged the riots?

The documentation consulted reflects an excerpt of the words spoken by José Andrés Calderón at the conclusion of the Rosary. In them, he denounced what he understands as irregularities that were committed in the imposition of previous fines worth 3,600 euros in mid-May.

On that occasion, he was accused of “disobedience and resistance to authority” when he interpreted, once again, that he encouraged the protests on January 2, 3 and 4, 2024, after prayer, although Calderón did not participate.

In fact, on May 16, these fines had been announced 24 hours ago. And Calderón wanted to address the police officers in the following terms: “UIP police officers, aren’t you ashamed? Head of the UIP unit: Don’t you know that it is a crime of falsifying an official document to knowingly give a false account of the facts? Read article 390 1, 4 (of the Penal Code), which had to be studied to approve the opposition.”

Calderón says this because he was fined for being part of some events despite the fact that in the sanctioning file it is said that “the organizer José Andrés dissociates himself from the concentration against the Government at all times and that he disappears from the place as soon as the rally ends.” cited prayer.”

Shortly after, Calderón cited Saint Teresa of Ávila and Saint John Paul II, before concluding, saying: “We are not going to abandon these stairs no matter how many fines you impose. Spain certainly deserves a summer full of Rosaries. For Christ, for Mary and for Spain. Not a step back in defense of the faith. Live Christ the King! Long live the Holy Virgin! Long live Catholic Spain!

And before leaving, he added, addressing the police officers: “And you can now inform the 091 Room, the CIMACC Room, that the Rosary has ended and what happens next is not the responsibility of the Rosary convener.” The CIMACC Room is the Intelligent Coordination, Command and Control Center of the National Police.

José Andrés Calderón’s complete intervention from that day is available at YouTube.

Two new prohibitions on praying the Ferraz Rosary

On the other hand, the Government Delegation has prohibited the celebration of the Rosary of Ferraz on July 1 and 2, stating that the reasons of urgency invoked in accordance with the law are not justified.

José Andrés Calderón repeatedly sends communications for the public prayer of the Rosary which, under general conditions, must be made with a minimum notice period of 10 days.

However, the messages referring to July 1 and 2 invoke urgency because they were carried out with less notice, in the following terms: “The immediate reason for this demonstration – and the previous ones – is the process of disintegration of the “Catholic faith in a Spain that believes less and less in God.”

The Government Delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín Aguirre, estimates, however, that “this fact does not constitute an extraordinary and serious cause that justifies said urgency and that would make possible, where appropriate, the exception of the ordinary communication period established by law.”

Calderón has 48 hours to appeal this new attempt at prohibition before the Administrative Litigation Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid and he will do so, as he explained precisely on May 16, invoking the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, which establishes that “ “An administrative authority cannot prohibit, at its sole discretion, a group of people from meeting unless there is a public order problem.”

It is not the first time that an attempt has been made to prevent the Rosario de Ferraz

At the beginning of June, the Government of Spain, through the Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid, tried to prohibit the recitation of the Ferraz Rosary on the 8th and 9th, alleging that they were the days of reflection and voting corresponding to the elections to the European Parliament.

The first of these attempts was a few days after beginning the prayer, when the Government tried to prevent the call for the 27th, 28th and 29th of November, an attempt that was answered by the hundreds of faithful who, rosary in hand, They stood in front of the Anti-Riot Units of the National Police.


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