Road of San Josemaría Escrivá is once again a sales success in the United States

Ninety years after publication, Caminothe best known book of St. Josemaría Escrivá, which is composed of 999 meditations points, has been among the best selling in the United States.

According to the Sitio Web Outful Del Workthe book recently reached the first place in the lists of “Christian inspiration” and “Christian devotional” of Amazon, as well as in the “inspiring spirituality.” He also held fifth place in the “Religion and Spirituality” list of Amazon and number 33 in the General Book List.

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This increase in sales is linked to Hallow, the most unloaded Catholic prayer app, which has incorporated Camino In his Lent challenge Pray40.

“This Lent, Scepter had the pleasure of collaborating with Hallow to present Camino As a fundamental part of its Lenten Prayer Challenge, ”said Michael Aquilina, Vice President of Sedepter Publishers, editorial that publishes the book’s pocket edition in the USA.

The challenge Pray40 He has summoned more than 1.7 million participants in 2024 and has meditations guided by figures such as Jonathan Rouumie (actor who plays Jesus in the series The Chosen), The HNA. Miriam James Heidland, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Cardinal Robert Sarah and actor Mark Wahlberg.

“From the beginning of Pray40ours annual sales of Camino They have increased almost 800 %, And we have been excited to know so many people who have discovered San Josemaría’s work for the first time thanks to Hallow, ”said Aquilina.

“I think this increase in demand is due to the unique talent of St. Josemaría to teach common Christians how to live their faith in everyday life,” he added.

Originally published in 1939, Camino It has sold millions of copies and has been translated into dozens of languages. In its pages, St. Josemaría invites readers to offer God all the dimensions of their life: work, family, friendships and even leisure.

“Through the challenge Pray40Hallow is not only presenting his work to more people, but he is also helping them to put it into practice, making prayer an essential part of their lives, ”said Aquilina.

In the US, Camino It is available in two editions: one of pocket published by SCEPTER and a paperback Edited by Penguin Random House.

For those who wish to know more about the work of St. Josemaría Escrivá, the San Josemaría Institute offers various resources, including a Detailed analysis of Camino and one Biography of the saint. More information can be found in the sitio web de Scepter Publishers.


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