Representative of Pope Francis in Mexico will participate in the Holy Land experience

The Apostolic Nuncio and representative of Pope Francis in Mexico, Mons. Joseph Spiteri, will participate in the opening day of Encounter Magdala 2024the Holy Land “experience” organized by the Magdala Center, which will take place in the Mexican city of Puebla from July 25 to 28.

Bishop Spiteri will celebrate the inaugural Mass of the event, which will take place at the University Cultural Complex of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, on July 25 at 7:00 pm (local time).

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In statements to ACI Prensa, Father Juan Solana LC, founder and director of the Magdala Center, indicated that the participation of the Apostolic Nuncio in the event “is a boost from the Church, from the Pope,” and “in addition to “A very great joy, it is a grace, it is a blessing.”

“He is the representative of the Pope who comes to tell us ‘go ahead, we agree, we like it, we bless it, we want these meetings to multiply, to do a lot of good for young people and people with young hearts’.”

“A way to experience the Holy Land in Mexico”

Father Solana indicated that this event “normally should be held in the Holy Land,” but due to “current circumstances, we decided to have it in Puebla,” a city that when founded was thought of as a “new Jerusalem” in American lands.

The founder of the Magdala Center highlighted that this event will be “an experience of prayer, charity, church, celebration, and encounter with God,” which will include “two brief pilgrimages” in the Puebla area.

The importance of the Holy Land

Father Solana also highlighted the importance of the Holy Land in the lives of Catholics: “our faith, the Christian faith, is a historical faith.”

“It was not invented by someone on a desk,” he said, but “it is a historical revelation: it has a place, it has a history, it has people, it has dates, it has data. And all that has to do with the Holy Land.”

“Therefore, when we know and experience the Holy Land, in some way we are giving body, historicity, experience to the entire revelation of God. And that obviously leads us to meet God personally, which is being a Christian: Finding God, loving Him in Jesus Christ, worshiping Him and being obedient to Him,” he highlighted.

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