Relics of Saint Helena in Rome

There were numerous relics of Christ that Saint Helena transported to the Italian capital after her discoveries in the Holy Land around the year 326.

Most of these relics They are located in the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalemone of the best-known churches in the Eternal City that houses a chapel dedicated to this saint, whose pavement was covered with earth from the Holy Land.

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Through one of the sides of the church you can access the so-called “chapel of relics” where, protected behind a glass case, some of the most important objects of Catholicism are preserved.

These relics were transferred from Jerusalem to Rome thanks to Saint Helena, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, who during a trip to the Holy Land – around the year 326 – He found some of these elements linked above all to the passion of Christ.

According to tradition, Saint Helena knew where Calvary was thanks to the testimonies of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, who remembered the exact place despite the attempt to build a pagan temple.

In its investigations, Santa Elena located numerous crosses of different peoplesince in the ordeal many accused people lost their lives.

After placing one of them next to a woman who was dying and who later recovered, Saint Helena discovered which was the true Cross of Christ.

These three fragments are the ones that are kept today in the reliquary from the year 1800 in the chapel of the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, where there are also two thorns from the crown of Christ and the tablet with the message, “Jesus Nazarene King of the Jews”, known as Title of the Cross.

It should be noted that a fragment of the true Cross of Christ It was also preserved in one of the four pillars of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vaticannext to the sculpture of Saint Helena.

Next to it you can read the inscription that confirms that the true Cross was transported thanks to Saint Helena from the Holy Land to Rome: “The part of the Cross which Empress Helena brought to Calvary in Vrba, Vrbanus VIII. Bridge Max è Sessoriana took down the Basilica, added the altar and the Statue, and placed it here in the Vatican.

Originally published August 18, 2022. It has been updated for republication.

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