Regnum Christi celebrates the 5th anniversary of its new statutes

Regnum Christi celebrates the 5th anniversary of its new statutes

The General Executive College of Regnum Christi He sent a messagethis May 31, to all members of the federation, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of its “legal birth”, in which they invite you to “respond to the needs of the world” from your own charisma, which is a gift from God .

The directive echoes the statement issued on May 4, within the framework of the closure of the I Ordinary General Convention of Regnum Christiin which the different vocations and realities of the federation made “an apostolic discernment of reality, through listening to the Word, with the purpose of doing the will of God and carrying out the mission of Regnum Christi” in the world .

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The convention was the first of its kind for Regnum Christi since it was canonically approved. its new statutes in 2019, after a long process of listening, purification and a hopeful look at the future after various cases of sexual abuse and power committed by several of its members throughout history came to light, among which Marcial stands out. Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ.

The General Board of Directors, made up of Father John Connor – general director of the Legionaries of Christ, Nancy Norden – general director of the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi – and Félix Gómez Rueda – general director of the Consecrated Laity – highlighted that the federation has experienced “deep learning” in the ways of relating, collaborating and complementing each other throughout these five years.

However, the directive specifies that the path has not been easy and that the federation has faced great challenges that it has managed to overcome “with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, the accompaniment of the Church” and the apostolic zeal of each of its members. members.

Likewise, he emphasizes that this path “is far from over” and that Regnum Christi is called to continue renewing itself and adapting to the nuances that reveal God’s designs.

“This is the time of God’s grace for us, our kairos; the time for the spiritual joy of the here and now, the moment to express redemptive love to all. We can look at the past without nostalgia and without fear, because it is the memory of God with us,” reads the statement from the first convention and which the board remembers this May 31.

Finally, they ask the Lord that on this anniversary of their canonical approval He grants all their members “a heart more like His own,” especially so close to the celebration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and that the fruit of these last encounters inspire and guide your apostolic work to be able to “read the world from the Heart of Christ.”

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