Quantum computing: the revolution that began to take its first steps

Quantum computing: the revolution that began to take its first steps

In times where the words “revolution” and “exponential” are overused in the world of technology, quantum computing is advancing silently but at a firm pace with the promise of solving those problems that today seem computationally impossible, attracting professionals, academics and investors.

Confined for years to simply a theoretical speculation, quantum computing surpasses classical computing because while the latter works with bits and represents information only in binary states (with zeros and ones), quantum computing adds the superposition of both states and uses the peculiar properties of atoms and subatomic particles to process data in gigantic quantities.

Thus, while classical computing is based on binary bits, quantum computing uses qubitsallowing for exponentially faster speed converting extremely complex calculationswhich could take years of processing in classical systems, in problems that are solved in seconds.

By its nature, then, the field of quantum computing is a multidisciplinary space in which computer science intersects with physics and mathematics.

The potential of this technology is so great that it could solve problems that until now seem impossible.

However, it is worth noting that Quantum computers expected to replace traditional systemswhich will continue to be the most economical and easy to use, but will be used for specific and complex tasks in industries such as pharmaceuticals or automotive.

And although we are not yet experiencing the quantum revolution, since there are some operational and commercial barriers to overcome, in recent days different announcements that link it with Artificial Intelligence arouse greater expectations.

The company NVIDIA, for example, presented Quantum Clouda cloud platform prepared for these demands. Quantum Cloud is being used in the United States and Canada by a group of scientists seeking to create vaccines and medications with structures that interact precisely and safely with the different proteins of the human body.

This technology will be used for specific and complex tasks in industries such as pharmaceuticals or automotive.

Google, for its part, joined XPRIZE in a contest in which it will offer five million dollars to those projects that promote an ethical quantum ecosystem and with a vision of the future. Among the ideas they are looking for are the design of transistors for electrical networks that are much more efficient or the modeling at the molecular level of materials that reduce carbon emissions.

In our country there are already companies that use this technology. It is the case of /q99a startup founded by Facundo Díaz and made up of an interdisciplinary team of scientists and technology professionals who seek to apply these advances in areas such as medicine, the hyper-efficient use of supplies to reduce the environmental footprint and automated investment portfolio models, capable of optimizing returns.

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