Priest explains how indulgences help in the duel for a loved one

Priest explains how indulgences help in the duel for a loved one

Fr. Mateo Bautista, an expert priest in the Duel Pastoral, explains how plenary indulgences in the Jubileo de la Esperanza 2025 help people who have lost a loved one.

Plenary Indulgence in Jubileo 2025

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Plenary indulgence, which can be obtained daily and following the conditions arranged by the Church – confession, communion, prayer for the Pope and cross a jubilee church – allows the soul to be completely purified.

If an faithful already obtains it to himself, he can also obtain it at another time or in another retirement for a deceased and, thus, he grants the soul of the deceased to pass from purgatory – if he is there – to heaven.

“The Jubilee Year is aimed at imploring divine mercy by the living and deceased,” said Fr. Bautista in statements to ACI Press.

In that sense, he explained: “Those who still pilgrimage can have this delicacy of love before God with the loved ones dead. This gives peace to the mourners, who must always make a confident and detached delivery of their dead loved one before God. ”

“Let us remember that duel is what every mourner does with it to heal, little by little, a deep wound, which can leave the death of a loved one,” he said.

The also health pastoral expert remarked that “every internal wound of this type can cause a spiritual crisis. There are mourners, with faith and non -mature life that can feel proven, punished and even abandoned by God. ”

Given this, he recalled that, especially in this time of Lent, “God is able to suffer and die for us.” It also “invites us to become insane religious attitudes and distorted images of God”, and “open us to the hope of resurrection in Christ.”

“Faith must purify suffering and suffering must purify faith,” he added.

The 2025 jubilee and the duel process

Fr. Bautista told ACI Press that “the mission of the jubilee is to be a awake of the quality and warmth of our Christian life.” He believes that the only failure of this life “is not living and dying holy.”

In that sense, he affirmed that “the pastoral of the church’s duel reminds us that we pray for the salvation of the dead loved ones, while reminding us of the great hope of the resurrection, to which we must all aspire, living in justice and holiness.”

“And, of course, that we must do our grieving process for the death of loved ones like Jesus, with Jesus and in Jesus, who suffered and died, and had to prepare his own to assume his tragic death and resurrection,” he said.

The jubilee as “Gift of Grace”

The priest, who was recently touring in Argentina to visit the pastoral groups of the duel, also said that “the jubilee year is a gift of grace”, which “remembers that the church and each of the faithful are called to the holiness of life, a permanent conversion.”

“It is aimed occasion to recognize, as prodigal children, the need for a change of life and return to the Father’s house as authentic children, redeemed by Christ, temples of the Holy Spirit, taking care of the things of the Father,” he concluded.

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