A priest who carries out his ministry in Nezahualcóyotl, east of Mexico City, has entrusted the fight against the satanic cult of the so-called “Santa Muerte” to San Miguel Arcángel, prince of the heavenly militia
Father Eduardo Treviño is a 59-year-old priest, a member of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross—an association linked to Opus Dei—and is incardinated in the Diocese of Nezahualcóyotl, which is located in the State of Mexico. He is currently the pastor of the parish of the Immaculate Conception.
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The municipality of Nezahualcóyotl is a neighbor of Mexico City, and has just over a million inhabitants. Father Treviño points out that the area is known “for its social challenges, such as violence, drug trafficking and poverty,” a context in which the cult of “Santa Muerte” has found “fertile ground, offering many a form of hope and protection.”
However, interviewed by ACI Prensa, the Mexican priest is forceful: “The death they call ‘holy’ is the devil himself.”
It is, he indicated, “a clear spiritual deviation: people end up thinking that their heaven is that year of glory on earth that ‘Santa Muerte’ gives them and they do not see eternal life. “The devil deceives, offers false comfort and leads to perdition.”
What is Santa Muerte?
The so-called Santa Muerte is a skeletal figure commonly dressed in a white cloak, in imitation of the Virgin Mary. This satanic cult spread from the “barrio bravo” of Tepito, in Mexico City, an area known for its abundant commerce, but whose streets face the challenges of violence and drug trafficking.
The cult spread to various parts of the country and even to other nations, mainly linked to organized crime.
The Catholic Church in Mexico—especially exorcists—has repeatedly denounced the dangers of participating in this satanic cult.
Father Treviño warned of the devil’s agenda of destruction: “it aims to erase the divine image and likeness in which man was created, associate him with his rebellion against God and frustrate in him the Eternal Life for which he was created. Ultimately, he desires that man’s destiny be eternal damnation.”
“The devil, in his attempt to frustrate the work of the Redemption of Jesus Christ, sought to put Him to death (…) However, on the Cross, Jesus defeated Satan, temptation and sin, rising gloriously on the third day,” he pointed.
“Finally, ‘Death’ tries to frustrate the Work of Redemption of Jesus Christ in each of us, by deceiving us, instigating us and separating us from the path that leads to Heaven and leading us to Eternal Death, which is death to Divine Grace, to hell or eternal damnation,” said the priest.
The fight against “Santa Muerte” under the protection of San Miguel Arcángel
Father Treviño indicated that after arriving from Mexico City to Nezahualcóyotl, decades ago, “I began to see that many people brought the image of Santa Muerte” to the church, so he decided to “educate my faithful” and warn them “about the dangers of worshiping this figure.”
He also encouraged them to meditate on Psalm 49, “which speaks of death: ‘The wicked are led like sheep to hell and their shepherd is death.’”
About 13 years ago, he recalled, “little by little” he began to write a special prayer, “remembering that the great fighter against the devil is the Archangel Saint Michael.”
Then, with the permission of the Bishop of Nezahualcóyotl, Mons. Héctor Luis Morales, he ordered a sculpture of Saint Michael the Archangel stepping on Saint Death to be made.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel against Saint Death
This is the prayer that Father Eduardo Treviño composed to entrust Saint Michael the Archangel with the fight against the satanic cult of Santa Muerte:
Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Celestial Militia, with the power that God has conferred on you, throw Satan and the Death they call Holy into hell. He frees Mexico from its deceptions and protects our families from its evil influence.
Beloved Jesus, source of all life and salvation, we ask you to strengthen our faith and keep us firm in your love. May the light of your truth dispel the darkness of false death and guide us towards Eternal Life. Amen.