Priest encourages offering Masses for souls in purgatory in Lent

He Code of Canon Lawthe law of the Catholic Church, establishes in its canon 945.1 that, “according to the approved use of the Church, every priest who celebrates or concelebrates the Mass may receive an offering, to be applied for a specific intention.”

In canon 946 it is also considered that “the faithful who offer an offering so that the Mass is applied for their intention, contribute to the good of the Church, and with it they participate in its concern to support its ministers and activities.”

This way of ordering Masses for a particular intention is guarded by numerous canonical indications, among others that “even the smallest appearance of negotiation or commerce” is avoided, and that “it is not lawful for the priest to ask for a greater amount” than that stipulated. by the ecclesiastical authorities, although it may be done if it is surrendered spontaneously.



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