Prayer to say goodbye to the year that is ending and welcome the New Year 2024

Prayer to say goodbye to the year that is ending and welcome the New Year 2024

Lector 1: “Lord, God, owner of time and eternity, yours is today and tomorrow, the past and the future. At the end of this year we want to thank you for everything we received from you.

Thank you for life and love, for flowers, air and sun, for joy and pain, for everything that was possible and for what could not be. We offer you everything we did this year, the work we were able to do, the things that passed through our hands and what we were able to build with them.

Lector 2: We introduce you to the people we loved throughout these months, the new and old friends we met, those closest to us and those who are further away, those who gave us their hand and those we were able to help, with those of us who share life, work, pain and joy.

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