Prayer of Pope Leo XIII to Saint Joseph after the Rosary

“Joseph, content with his few possessions, passed the trials that accompany so meager a fortune, with magnanimity, imitating his Son, who having taken the form of a servant, being the Lord of life, submitted himself for his sake. own free will to the dispossession and loss of everything,” he highlighted.

Below is the full text of the prayer to Saint Joseph written by Pope Leo XIII:

To you, blessed Saint Joseph, we turn in our tribulation; and after invoking the help of your Holy Wife, we also confidently request your patronage. For that charity that united you with the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and for the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you to turn your eyes with kindness to the inheritance that Jesus Christ acquired with his Blood, and with your power and help help our needs.

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