poverty skyrockets and affects more than half of the country’s population

The poverty rate soared in the first half of this year, in the first stage of Javier Milei’s government. The National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec, equivalent to IBGE) reported, this Thursday, that 52.9% of Argentines are poor. The result shows the spike in poverty, which was already high in the previous survey, in the second half of last year, when 41% were poor.

Indigence affects almost 20% of the population (18.1%). Furthermore, 66% of children and adolescents up to 14 years of age are considered poor. The reality is notorious on the outskirts of Buenos Aires and in the country’s capital, where the number of people (with children) living on the streets has increased.

The Milei government blames this situation on the legacy left by the Kirchnerist governments (Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner) and seeks to ignore the sudden effects of the tightening that has been implemented since December, when it arrived at the Casa Rosada. Milei insists that his priority is zero deficit public spending because he argues that this way the economy will get back on track, starting with controlling inflation. In December 2023, when Milei assumed the presidency, the price index reached more than 25%. In recent months, it has dropped to around 4% per month. However, this rate is still high. And the cost of living is currently considered expensive in dollars, according to economic analysts (and Brazilian tourists who visit the city of Buenos Aires).

The social situation, which includes the sharp increase in public service tariffs and fuel prices, in addition to the presidential veto on the increase in benefits for retirees and the adjustment in resources for public universities, caused a drop in popular support for the Milei government and in the image of the president, as shown by six opinion polls published this week by Clarín in Spanish.

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