Pope Francis: where there is disobedience there is schism

Pope Francis: where there is disobedience there is schism

On the contrary, he stressed that “the guiding criterion, the truly spiritual one, the one that derives from the Holy Spirit, is communion: it means verifying the adherence to unity, the faithful and humble, respectful and obedient custody of the gifts received.”

Furthermore, the Holy Father invited them not to let themselves be overcome by discouragement or a feeling of helplessness in the face of problems and in times of difficulty and crisis.

“I know that the life of many Christians in many places is difficult, but the Christian difference consists in responding to evil with good, in working tirelessly with all believers for the good of all men,” he noted.

Finally, Pope Francis thanked them for “the commitment of your Church in the fields of family formation and catechesis, and your pastoral work with young people and vocations.”

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