Pope Francis: War is never inevitable and peace is always possible

When receiving in audience this Saturday, June 1, the members of the Christian Associations of Italian Workers (ACLI, for its acronym in Italian), Pope Francis assured that he shares with them “the commitment and prayer for peace,” at the same time who stressed that “war is never ‘inevitable’ while peace is always possible.”

In its message To the members of the ACLI, an institution that turns 80, the Holy Father encouraged them to take advantage of their anniversary to “review their history, with its joys and difficult moments, and to express gratitude.”

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“I thank with you the Lord who has accompanied and sustained you on this path, inspiring many people who, through the ACLI, have dedicated their lives to the service of workers, retirees, young people, foreigners and so many who “They are in situations of need.”

“The ACLI are a place where it is possible to find ‘saints next door’, people who do not appear in the newspaper headlines, but who sometimes concretely change things for the better,” he highlighted.

“A world bloodied by so many wars”

Encouraging them to be “peace operators,” Pope Francis lamented that we are “in a world bloodied by so many wars,” and highlighted that those who build peace “at the same time strive to build bridges, listen to and understand the different parties.” involved, promoting dialogue and reconciliation.”

“Interceding for peace is something that goes far beyond simple political commitment, because it requires getting involved and taking risks,” he said.

“Our world, we know, is marked by conflicts and divisions, and your testimony as peace operators, as intercessors for peace, is more necessary and precious than ever,” he encouraged.

“Being and feeling part of the people”

Pope Francis also highlighted the importance of a “popular style,” and explained that “it is not just about being close to the people, but about being and feeling part of the people. It means living and sharing the daily joys and challenges of the community, learning from the values ​​and wisdom of simple people.”

“A popular style implies recognizing that great social projects and lasting transformations are born from below, from shared commitment and collective dreams,” he said.

“But the true essence of the town lies in solidarity and a sense of belonging,” he said, later noting that “in the context of a fragmented society and an individualistic culture, we have a great need for places where people can experience this sense. of creative and dynamic belonging, which helps to move from I to we, to develop projects for the common good together and find ways and means to carry them out.”

“A Christian style”

Addressing the importance of “a Christian way,” the Holy Father asked: “To whom can we turn to understand what it means to be an operator of peace to the fullest, if not to the Lord Jesus?” Where can we find inspiration and strength to welcome everyone, if not in the life of Jesus?”

“Assuming a Christian style, then, means not only providing for a moment of prayer in our meetings: this is good, but we must do more; Assuming a Christian style means growing in familiarity with the Lord and in the spirit of the Gospel, so that this can permeate everything we do and our action has the style of Christ and makes it present in the world.”

“In the face of cultural visions that risk nullifying the beauty of human dignity and tearing society apart, I invite you to cultivate ‘a new dream of fraternity and social friendship that is not limited to words,’” he said.

Pope Francis stressed that this “is the dream of Saint Francis of Assisi and of many other saints, of many Christians, of many believers of all faiths. Brothers and sisters, may that be his dream too!

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