Pope Francis chose as a theme for the 5th World Day of grandparents and the elderly, which this year will be held on Sunday, July 27, Happy who does not see his hope fady.
As explained by the Dicastery for the laity, the family and life in a statement, the Holy Father wanted to value the hope of the elderly in the last stage of his life.
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The words taken from the ecclesiastical book “indicate, in hope placed in the Lord, the path to a Christian and reconciled old age,” reads the statement.
In the context of the Holy Year, this day, established by Pope Francis in 2021, charges a new meaning since it is intended to be “an opportunity to reflect on how the presence of grandparents and the elderly can become a sign of hope in each family and ecclesial community, ”according to the Vatican.
In this way, the Dicasterio for the laity, the family and life reiterated the invitation of Pope Francis to all Catholics to join the celebration of this day in all the dioceses and to dedicate the celebrations on Sunday, July 27 to the elderly .