Pope Francis today renewed his call to peace in the world today by asking “to silence weapons everywhere” from the Plaza de San Pedro after presiding over the Mass on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police and Security bodies.
“That weapons are silenced everywhere and the cry of the people who ask for peace are heard,” he asked before praying the Angelus before the more than 30,000 military from more than one hundred countries of the world that have participated in this great event.
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This is the second major act of the 36 planned for the Holy Year after the Jubilee of Communication, when hundreds of journalists, communicators from various parts of the world and also the communication delegates of the dioceses around the world, gathered in Rome.
“Let’s pray for peace in the martyred Ukraine, in Palestine, in Israel, in Myanmar, throughout the Middle East, in Sudan,” continued the Holy Father.
The pontiff, afflicting a bronchitis, was unable to read the complete homily of the Mass he presided before the Marian prayer after admitting that he suffered “breathing difficulties.”
“Now I excuse myself and ask the teacher to continue reading due to breathing difficulties,” he said.
His words were received with applause by attendees, military, soldiers and police from different countries.
Despite the disease suffered by Pope Francis, 88, the solemn ceremony, which was attended , typical winter of Rome.

In fact, the strong wind present in the Italian capital dragged several meters the solideo of the Holy Father who had to continue the Angelus without him.
Finally, the Pontiff extended his greeting to all military personnel in the world and recalled the teachings of the Catholic Church in this regard.
Thus, he cited the conclusions of the Second Vatican Council collected in the Pastoral Constitution Joy and hope about those who exercise their profession in the ranks of the army and asked them to also be “the safety and freedom servers of their peoples.”
“This armed service should be exercised only in self -defense, never to impose domination on other nations, always observing international conventions about conflicts and, above all, with sacred respect for life and creation,” he insisted.