Pope Francis to young people in Venice: For God you are not a digital profile, but a son

Pope Francis to young people in Venice: For God you are not a digital profile, but a son

However, the Holy Father stated that “we often find ourselves fighting against a force of negative gravity that pulls us down, an oppressive inertia that wants us to see everything gray.”

To lift us up, he reminded us that “above all, we must allow ourselves to be lifted up: let the Lord take us by the hand, who never disappoints those who trust in Him, who always lifts up and forgives.”

“When you feel like this, change your ‘framework’: do not look at yourself with your own eyes, but think about God’s gaze,” the Pontiff asked them.

Likewise, he recalled that “God knows that, in addition to being beautiful, we are fragile, and the two things go together: a bit like Venice, which is splendid and delicate at the same time. God does not tie our mistakes on his finger, but he extends his hand to us.”

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