Pope Francis to Vaticanists: Thank you for your delicacy in recounting Church scandals

In this sense, he apologized “for the times that the news that worries me in different ways has kept you away from your families, from playing with your children” and also from spending time with your husbands or wives.

According to the Pontiff, this meeting is “an occasion to reflect on the Vaticanist’s tiring task of telling the path of the Church, of building bridges of knowledge and communication instead of furrows of division and mistrust.”

Later, he recalled the words of the veteran Vaticanist from the Italian newspaper Corriere della SeraLuigi Accattoli, who highlighted that, by leading this work, it is possible to learn “the art of searching for and telling life stories, which is a way of loving man.”

Citing Saint Paul VI, the Pontiff pointed out that a Vatican journalist “should not be guided, as sometimes happens, by criteria that classify the things of the Church according to profane and political categories, which do not adapt to the things themselves, that is, “Moreover, they often distort them, but must take into account what truly informs the life of the Church, that is, its religious and moral purposes and its characteristic spiritual qualities.”

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