Pope Francis: To remain and dwell in Christ is to grow in the relationship with Him

Pope Francis: To remain and dwell in Christ is to grow in the relationship with Him

In an analogous way, the Pontiff has affirmed that “this is also our life: we too, immersed since time immemorial in the fountains of God’s love, have been regenerated in Baptism, reborn to a new life by water and the Holy Spirit.” , and placed in Christ as branches on the vine.”

Pope Francis has focused on the idea of ​​“dwelling” in the Lord, as a synonym for abiding. “This verb, dwell, should not be interpreted as something static, as if it wanted to tell us to stay still, parked in passivity; In reality, it invites us to get moving, because remaining in the Lord means growing in the relationship with Him, dialoguing with Him, welcoming His Word, following Him on the path towards the Kingdom of God.

On the other hand, the Pontiff has pointed out that the fruit of remaining united to Christ is not just any fruit: “The fruit of the branches in which the sap flows is the grape, and from the grape comes wine, which is the messianic sign par excellence. Because Jesus, the Messiah sent by the Father, brings the wine of God’s love to the human heart and fills it with joy and hope.”

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