Pope Francis reiterates the religious mission of the diplomats of the Order of Malta

Pope Francis reiterates the religious mission of the diplomats of the Order of Malta

In short, the Order – explains Pope Francis – is relevant in the international context “as an instrument of apostolic action, with its subordination, as a religious Order, to the Holy See, and its obedience to the Pope as supreme superior of all orders. religious”.

For this reason, the Pope adds, “it is important that a relationship of fruitful collaboration be established between the diplomatic representative of the Order and the pontifical legate of the place, in joint action for the good of the Church and society.”

In fact, Pope Francis adds, indirectly responding to the doubts and questions that arose during his intervention in the constitution, he stressed that “the bond of the Order with the Pope is not a limitation of its freedom, but rather a custody, which is expressed in Peter’s concern to provide him with the greatest good, as happened more than once, also with direct interventions in moments of difficulty.”

In summary, for the Pope “the dependence of the Order of Malta on the Holy See does not diminish the importance of its diplomatic representations, but rather allows us to understand even more fully their meaning, as channels of the apostolic-charitable activity of the Order. open and generous, especially where there is greatest need.

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