Pope Francis reaffirms his desire that all Christians celebrate Easter on the same day

During a hearing held with the group “Pasqua Together 2025” This morning in the Vatican, the Holy Father reaffirmed that Easter “does not happen on our initiative or by one calendar or another,” but rather “it belongs to Christ.”

On April 20, 2025, all Christians will celebrate Easter, a “coincidence” in the calendar that Pope Francis has asked to be repeated from next year onwards.

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For the Pontiff, this event represents “an opportunity” and he noted that on more than one occasion he has been asked “to find a solution to this issue, so that the common celebration of the day of the Resurrection is no longer an exception, but rather becomes the norm.”

Therefore, he encouraged those who are working on this path “to persevere and make every effort in the search for a possible communion, avoiding everything that could lead to further divisions among the brothers.”

However, the Pontiff continued, “I am interested in leaving you with a thought that takes us to the heart of the issue: Easter does not happen on our initiative or by one calendar or another,” but because God “loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son.” , so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

“Let us not lock ourselves in our schemes, in our projects, in our calendars, in ‘our’ Easter. Easter belongs to Christ! And it does us good to ask for the grace of always being his disciples, letting him show us the way to follow and humbly accepting the invitation, made one day to Peter, to follow in his footsteps and not think according to men, but according to God.”

In this way, he urged us to reflect, “share and plan together, having Him in front of us, grateful for the call He has given us and eager to become, as a unit, His witnesses, so that the world may believe.”

As Pope Francis indicated, we need to walk together, “and to do so it will help us to start again, like the Apostles, from Jerusalem, the place from which the announcement of the Resurrection was spread to the world.”

“And there we also return to pray to the Prince of Peace, so that today he grants us his peace,” concluded the Holy Father.

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