Pope Francis prepares document on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Pope Francis prepares document on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Pope Francis is working on a document on the Sacred Heart of Jesus in which he meditates on “various aspects of the love of the Lord” and which he will publish next September.

He communicated this unexpected news during his usual greeting to the pilgrims who were listening to him from St. Peter’s Square, at the end of the General Audience this Wednesday, June 5.

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Within the framework of the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that we are visiting, Pope Francis recalled that December 27 of last year “marked the 350th anniversary of the first manifestation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.”

This saint, whose festival is celebrated on October 16was a French nun of the Order of the Visitation of Saint Mary, known for having been a witness and repository of the promises and revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

According to the Pontiff, upon celebrating this anniversary “a period of celebrations began that will conclude on June 27 of next year.”

“For this reason,” he then explained, “I am pleased to prepare a document that collects the precious reflections of previous magisterial texts and a long history that goes back to the Sacred Scriptures, to once again propose this cult to the entire Church today, full of spiritual beauty.”

“I think it will do us a lot of good to meditate on various aspects of the Lord’s love that can illuminate the path of ecclesial renewal, that say something significant to a world that seems to have lost its heart,” Pope Francis said.

Later, he asked the faithful to accompany him with prayer “in this time of preparation, with the intention of making this document public next September,” he concluded.

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