Pope Francis participates in polyhedral artwork by Scholas Ocurrentes

On the afternoon of Wednesday, September 4, Pope Francis met with the young people of Scholas Ocurrentes, authors of the “Hati Indonesia” project in which the Pontiff participated.

At the end of his meeting with bishops and priests of the country, the Holy Father moved to the “Grha Permuda” Youth House to meet with the members of this international Catholic organization of Pontifical Right approved and erected by him in 2013.

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Before holding a dialogue with the young people, Pope Francis entered in his wheelchair into a sculpture made up of a polyhedron in the construction of which 1,500 people have participated.

Pope Francis inside the polyhedron. Credit: Vatican Media
Pope Francis inside the polyhedron. Credit: Vatican Media

This polyhedron, called “Hati Indonesia”, symbolizes the heart of the country and also represents its diversity. It is worth remembering that the motto of Indonesia, also inscribed on its shield, is “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in diversity).

The sculpture is built with natural and recyclable materials, as well as fabrics that reflect the cultural richness of the country.

Inside, where Pope Francis was able to enter in a wheelchair, are kept personal objects, photos, writings, drawings and toys left by all the people who participated in the project.

According to the members of Scholas, “it is not only a work of art, but also a symbol of hope, unity and the ability to build a future together, beyond differences.”

Inside the polyhedron the Holy Father also left in writing one of his dreams: a more fraternal world.

During his relaxed conversation with young people, Pope Francis stressed that war is a defeat for everyone and affirmed that in differences there can be war or dialogue, urging everyone to always choose the path of dialogue.

Pope Francis helps plant a tree. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/ EWTN News
Pope Francis helps plant a tree. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/ EWTN News

At the end of the meeting, Pope Francis also helped plant a “mangroove” tree, crucial for the protection of the Indonesian coasts and for biodiversity.

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