Pope Francis published a message for the Angelus this Sunday from the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital in Rome in which he acknowledged that he is “going through a moment of proof” like so many other patients who joined “in fragility.”
“I share these thoughts with you, since I am going through a moment of proof, and I join so many sick brothers and sisters: fragile, at this time, like me,” he said.
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He added: “Our physique is weak but even so, nothing can prevent us from loving, praying and surrendering; be for each other, in faith, luminous signs of hope. ”
This is the fifth consecutive Sunday in which the Holy Father, 88 and whose clinical conditions continue stable, does not pray in public with the faithful and sends a text written instead.
In the hospital courtyard, where an imposing statue of San Juan Pablo II is erected, which was admitted to the Gemelli up to 9 times, a group of children has gathered at 12:00 (local time) for the Marian prayer.
The Pontiff wanted to thank them for their prayers and expressed their desire to meet them soon.
“I know that many children pray for me; Some of them have come today to the Gemelli as a gesture of closeness. Thanks, dear children. The Pope loves you and is always waiting to meet you, ”he said.
Pope Francis, who completed this Saturday 30 days admitted with a bilateral pneumonia from which he is gradually recovering, also wanted to thank the health personnel who continuously attend the care they provide.
“I thank all their prayers and thank those who attend me with such dedication,” he said.
Pope Francis also commented on this second Sunday of Lent, the Gospel of the day that narrates the transfiguration of Jesus (Luke 9,28-36).
“After climbing to the top of a mountain with Pedro, Santiago and Juan, Jesus immerses himself in prayer and becomes radiant of light. Thus shows the disciples what is hidden behind the gestures he does in them: the light of his infinite love, ”he explained.
The Pontiff used in his message this image of God’s infinite love to praise all hospitals and health centers, last expression of the service and free delivery, in which “shines” a lot of light.
“How much love illuminates the rooms, the halls, the consultations, the places where the most humble services are made,” he said.
Therefore, he urged “praise the Lord to never abandon us and that in moments of pain puts people who reflect a ray of his love by our side.”
The Holy Father took advantage of his message to ask for prayers “for peace.” Especially for all “the countries wounded by war.”
Thus he cited, specifically, the tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sudan and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
In the same way he asked to pray for the Church, which is “called to translate the discernment made in the recent Synod Assembly.”
“I thank the General Secretariat of the Synod, which for the next three years will accompany the local churches in this commitment,” he insisted.
This Saturday the strategic decision of the Holy Father was made public to give the green light to the triennial plan that will give continuity to the main conclusions adopted in the Synod on the synodality concluded in October last year.
This Saturday the Secretary of the Synod, Cardinal Mario Grech indicated that Pope Francis wrote to him on March 11, two days before the 12th anniversary of his pontificate, to authorize him to communicate to the bishops this plan that will mark the present and the future the Church regardless of who the Pope will be.
According to the latest updates of the Vatican press office, doctors have verified a significant improvement in the health conditions of Pope Francis. In any case, no dates are still handled when you will receive hospital discharge.