Pope Francis: Only love heals life

Pope Francis: Only love heals life

Pope Francis pointed out through a message published on the social network X that “only love heals life.”

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“Jesus asks you for a look that does not stop at the exterior, but goes to the heart; a look that does not judge, but welcomes. Because only love heals life,” the Holy Father wrote on August 26.

Likewise, in another message, the Pontiff remarked that “it is not easy for us to follow the Lord, to understand his way of acting, to make his criteria and his examples our own.”

“But, the closer we get to Him, the more we experience the beauty of having Him as a Friend, and we realize that only He has words of eternal life,” his profile reads.

Pope Francis’ words were published on the same day that during an audience with the Oblates of Saint Joseph he exclaimed that if Jesus “we are not standing.”

“Let us not deceive ourselves: without Him we are not standing, none of us: each of us has our frailties and without the Lord to support us we would not be standing,” the Holy Father warned.

He stated something similar in 2019, during a General Audience, in which he invited us not to forget that “the true richness of our life is in his infinite Love.”

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