Pope Francis: No one has or will ever have the power to change the nature of the priesthood

Pope Francis: No one has or will ever have the power to change the nature of the priesthood

Pastoral style of closeness

Due to the loss of authority of the figure of the priest in society, the Holy Father reaffirms that the only possible way to carry out the new evangelization “is to adopt a pastoral style of closeness, compassion, humility, gratuitousness, patience, meekness , radical dedication to others, simplicity and poverty.”

To achieve this, he assures that “there is only one solution: nurture a strong, living and authentic personal relationship with Jesus. Love Jesus more than anything, let his love be enough for you, and you will emerge victorious from every crisis and every difficulty.”

Pope Francis points out that if Jesus is enough for them, they will not have the need to “shine in the eyes of the world” or seek recognition, and that, if, on the contrary, they succumb to any of these temptations, then it is because Jesus is not enough for them and they lack of love.

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