Pope Francis invites bishops and priests of Papua New Guinea to be witnesses of courage, beauty and hope

Pope Francis held a meeting this September 7 at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Port Moresby with the Bishops of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, as well as priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, seminarians and catechists.

In his speech, the Holy Father recalled that he was baptized in the parish of Mary Help of Christians in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and noted that this sanctuary “can also be a symbol for us, especially if we refer to three aspects of our path.” “Christian and missionary: the courage to start, the beauty of existing and the hope to grow”

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The courage to start

First of all, Pope Francis recalled that the missionaries arrived in this country in the mid-19th century “and the first steps of their work were not easy; in fact, some attempts failed.”

“Despite this, they did not give up, but with great faith and apostolic zeal they continued to preach the Gospel and serve their brothers and sisters, often starting over from failures and going through many sacrifices,” he noted.

These missionaries, according to the Pontiff, “have contributed to bringing the Gospel among you, with a multicolored wealth of charismas, animated by the same Spirit and by the same charity of Christ.”

“Even despite the challenges that are not lacking today, we continue forward, without fear, knowing that we are not alone, because it is the Lord who acts in us and with us,” he highlighted.

He then invited those present to go out to the peripheries of this country and reach “people from the most disadvantaged sectors of the urban populations, as well as those who live in the most remote and abandoned areas, where what is often lacking. indispensable”.

“I also think of people who are marginalized and hurt, both morally and physically, due to prejudices and superstitions, sometimes to the point of risking their own lives,” he added.

The beauty of existing

The Holy Father noted that everyone must be motivated “by the desire for the entire world to know the Gospel and to share with us the strength and light.”

“If we esteem and respect each other, and if we put ourselves at the service of others, we can show them, and anyone we meet, how beautiful it is to follow Jesus together and announce his Gospel.”

The beauty of existing, therefore, “is not experienced so much in the great events and moments of success, but rather in the loyalty and love with which we strive to grow together every day,” he expressed.

The hope of growing

Pope Francis remarked that, although actions may seem minuscule, like a mustard seed, “if we have confidence and do not tire of spreading them, they will sprout by the grace of God, they will give an abundant harvest.”

“Let us continue to evangelize, with patience, without allowing ourselves to be discouraged by difficulties and misunderstandings, not even when they arise where we would least like to find them; for example, in the family,” he then noted.

Finally, he encouraged them to be “witnesses of courage, beauty and hope.” “I thank you for what you do, I bless you all from the bottom of my heart and I ask you, please, not to forget to pray for me,” she concluded.

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