Pope Francis: In this long time of convalescence, I have experienced the patience of the Lord

Pope Francis said that during the “long convalescence” that has passed hospitalized, almost 40 days since he was admitted to the Gemelli Polyclinic on February 14, he has been able to experience “the patience of the Lord.”

“In this long time of convalescence, I have experienced the patience of the Lord, which I also see reflected in the tireless care of doctors and health personnel, as well as in the care and hope of the relatives of the patients,” said the Pontiff.

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The Holy Father made these considerations in the text he prepared for the prayer of this Sunday in which, after 38 days hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia in which his life was in danger twice, he will leave the hospital after receiving the medical discharge.

The Pontiff is expected to be transferred today back to Casa Santa Marta, his residence in the Vatican, which has been enabled for a long convalescence of two months in which doctors have prescribed absolute rest.

As explained yesterday by doctors who have attended him at the Gemelli, until the end of May he will not be able to resume his agenda fully and will have to avoid meetings with numerous groups that can return to compromise their health.

In any case, in the Santa Marta residence there is an emergency team 24 hours a day.

“The parable that we find in today’s Gospel tells us about God’s patience, which drives us to make our lives a time of conversion,” said Pope Francis in the text of the Marian prayer.

The pontiff thus referred to the image of the sterile fig tree, which Jesus uses in his parable to point out that God is like a patient farmer “who works carefully the floor of our lives and hopes our return to Him.”

“This patience full of trust, anchored to the love of God that does not fail, is really necessary in our lives, especially when facing the most difficult and painful situations,” explained the Holy Father.


In his message, the Pontiff was “sad” before the rupture of Alto El Fuego in Gaza by Israel.

“I was saddened by the resumption of intense Israeli bombings on the Gaza Strip, with numerous dead and wounded. I call for them to stop immediately and so that the value of resuming the dialogue is had, so that all the hostages are released and the definitive fire is reached,” he said.

Pope Francis thus condemned resumption on Tuesday of this week of bombings on the Gaza Strip, which almost reach the only Catholic parish, and that in just four days they have killed 634 people, mostly lower and women.

“In the strip the humanitarian situation in the strip is again very serious and requires the urgent commitment of the belligerent parties and the international community,” he said.

Pope Francis also took advantage of his message to praise the peace agreement signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan to end more than three decades of conflicts and allow the two countries to establish diplomatic relations and open their borders, closed from their independence of the Soviet Union.

“I am pleased, however, that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to the final text of the peace agreement. I hope it is signed as soon as possible and can thus contribute to establish a lasting peace in the South Caucasus,” he said.

Pope Francis thanked the numerous prayers that have raised his health throughout the world: “With such patience and perseverance they continue to pray for me: Thank you very much! I also pray for you.”

He also requested prayers “for the end of wars and for peace, especially in the tormented Ukraine, in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sudan and the democratic of the Congo.”

“That the Virgin Mary protects us and continues to accompany us on our way to Easter,” he finally said.

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