Pope Francis: if you want to know the suffering Christ well, look for a Franciscan

Pope Francis: if you want to know the suffering Christ well, look for a Franciscan

Later, he highlighted that Franciscans have a reputation for being “good confessors” and encouraged them to “always forgive,” remembering that God never tires of forgiving: “it is we who tire of asking for forgiveness.”

Go back to basics and be humble

Pope Francis also urged them to “return to what is essential” and to be “forgiven bearers of forgiveness, healed bearers of healing, joyful exemplars in fraternity; with the strength of love that springs from the side of Christ and that is nourished in your personal encounter with Him, to be renewed every day with a seraphic ardor that burns the heart.”

“Feel called to bring to your communities and fraternities, to the Church and to the world, a little of that immense love that led Jesus to die on the cross for us,” he continued.

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