Pope Francis expels two other members of the Sodalitium of Christian Life

Pope Francis expels two other members of the Sodalitium of Christian Life

The Apostolic Nunciature in Peru announced that Pope Francis has approved the expulsion of two other members of the Sodalitium of Christian Life, following the report of the special mission he sent in July 2023 to investigate reports of cases of abuse.

He statement from the Nunciature It was published this Monday by the Peruvian Episcopal Conference.

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The text mentions José Ambrozic Velezmoro, former assistant of Temporalities, Communications, Apostolate and former Vicar General; and Father Luis Antonio Ferroggiaro Dentone.

Although the name of Ricardo Trenemann Young also appears in the statement, his expulsion from the Sodalicio had already been announced on September 25.

According to the Nunciature, Pope Francis made the decision “after evaluating the defenses corresponding to the complaints that emerged during the ‘Special Mission’” entrusted to Bishop Charles Scicluna and Bishop Jordi Bertomeu, assistant secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and officer of the same dicastery, respectively.

“To adopt such a decision, the scandal due to the number and severity of the abuses reported by the victims has been considered, particularly contrary to the balanced and liberating experience of the evangelical counsels in the context of the ecclesial apostolate,” the statement added.

It indicates that “these are cases of abuse of office and authority, particularly in the form of abuse in the administration of ecclesiastical property, as well as sexual abuse, in some cases even of minors.”

“In this regard, in the case of Rev. Ferroggiaro Dentone, the present disciplinary decision is not an obstacle to the proceedings that, simultaneously, are being carried out in the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, given the clerical status of the accused,” he points out.

The statement concludes by stating that “Pope Francis, together with the bishops of Peru and those places where the Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana is present, saddened by what happened, ask for forgiveness from the victims and join in their sufferings. Likewise, they ask this society of apostolic life to, without further delay, begin a path of justice and reparation.”

On September 30, the Sodalicio published a statement signed by his superior general, José David Correa González, in which he states that he accepts with “humility and obedience” the Pontiff’s decision to expel several of its members and renewed his “adhesion to the Vicar of Christ” and his love for the Church Catholic.

The text was issued following the separation of ten of its members, announced on September 25.

The Sodalicio assured that it will continue to “collaborate with the various instances of guidance and support that the Holy See indicates to us” and reiterated its commitment “to listening to and caring for the victims, and to the reparation processes through justice and truth.” ”.

Likewise, he points out that the Sodalites will continue with the renewal process, “trusting in the Lord who has sustained us throughout these years and will continue to accompany us under the care of Saint Mary our Mother.”

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