Pope Francis: Every human being is endowed with dignity by the mere fact of existing

Pope Francis: Every human being is endowed with dignity by the mere fact of existing

Pope Francis recalled in a message addressed to the participants of the XVII Inter-Christian Symposium that “every human being is endowed with dignity by the mere fact of existing.”

This conference, jointly promoted by the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical University Antonianum and the Department of Theology of the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, will take place from August 28 to 30 in Trani, Italy, under the title “ What is man?”

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In his message, addressed to Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, the Holy Father expressed his closeness to the participants in this joint experience between Christians and Orthodox.

The Holy Father highlighted that humanity is currently experiencing a “true revolution,” such as the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, or the “incredible advances in science.”

These advances, for the Pontiff, force people “to rethink their identity, their role in the world and in society, and their vocation for transcendence.”

“The specificity of the human being in the whole of creation, its uniqueness with respect to other animals, and even its relationship with machines, are constantly called into question,” he remarked.

Furthermore, he specified that “the way in which men and women today understand the fundamental experiences of their existence, such as engendering, being born and dying, is structurally changing.”

Faced with this “anthropological revolution,” he pointed out that one should not react only “with denial and criticism.”

On the contrary, he affirmed that a deep reflection capable of renewing thought is necessary, something that represents “a challenge that affects all Christians, regardless of the Church to which they belong.”

“In light of the teaching of Sacred Scripture and Christian Tradition, it is necessary to reaffirm that every human being is endowed with dignity by the mere fact of existing, as a spiritual entity, created by God and destined for a filial relationship with Him. ”.

Regardless of whether or not he acts in accordance with his dignity, the Pontiff continued, “of the socioeconomic situations in which he lives or of his existential conditions,” he stated.

Likewise, he recalled that “the defense of this dignity against very specific threats such as poverty, war, exploitation and others, is a common commitment in which all Churches must work together.”


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