Pope Francis deplores repression of protesters with top quality pepper spray

Pope Francis deplores repression of protesters with top quality pepper spray

Within the framework of the Symposium at the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the First World Meeting of Popular Movements, Pope Francis deplored the violent repression against protesters using “top-quality pepper spray,” and called not to remain silent in the face of injustice.

At the event, which included representatives of social movements from Argentina, the Holy Father said that “silence in the face of injustice opens the way to social division, and social division opens the way to verbal violence, and verbal violence to physical violence, and physical violence to the war of all against all. There is the tail of the devil.”

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The controversy in Argentina over pepper spray

Although he did not specify which country he was referring to, the Pope said he recently saw a video “of a repression from a week ago, maybe less. Workers, people who asked for their rights in the street and the Police rejected them with something that is the most expensive thing there is, that top quality pepper spray.”

“They had no right to claim what was theirs because they were unruly, communists, no, no, no, and the government stood firm and instead of paying for social justice, it paid for pepper spray, it suited it. Keep that in mind, huh. We must all lift others up. We all must do it,” he added.

The media in Argentina quickly echoed the Pope’s words, since last week the issue of repression was at the center of public opinion in the country, after the Police used pepper spray against protesters who They complained to Congress after the Javier Milei government’s veto of the retirement mobility law, which sought to adjust pensions according to inflation and salaries.

Manuel Adorni, Milei’s presidential spokesperson, later referred to the Pontiff’s words in his press conference daily: “We have already said it on other occasions. It is the Pope’s opinion that we listen to and even reflect on. We do not have to agree with him, although respect is total. “There’s not much more to say.”

“Looking with contempt” is the prelude to “violence”

In his speech to social movements, the Holy Father condemned contempt and hatred, which translate into violence: “Looking from afar, looking from above, looking with indifference, looking with contempt, looking with hatred is the prelude to gestation. of violence.”

At another point in his speech, Pope Francis urged the rich to “share their wealth.” Likewise, he assured his prayer “that the most economically powerful come out of isolation, reject the lack of security of money and open themselves to sharing goods that have a universal destiny, because all goods derive from creation and have a destiny.” universal”.

“The Pope cannot escape the centrality of the poor in the Gospel. This is not communism, it is the pure Gospel. It is not the Pope, but Jesus who puts them at the center, in that place. “It is a matter of our faith and cannot be negotiated,” he said.

“I recognize that entrepreneurs create jobs, contribute to economic development,” he admitted, but warned that “the fruits of economic development are not distributed well.” For this reason, he called for “good, rational and equitable policies” that “ensure social justice so that everyone has land, shelter and work, so that everyone has a fair salary and all rights.”

“Let no one extinguish the dreams”, but “pay the taxes”

Addressing the social movements, the Pontiff noted: “You emerged from passivity and pessimism. Do not let yourselves be brought down by pain and resignation. They did not accept to be docile victims; They recognized themselves as subjects, as protagonists of the story. “This is your most beautiful contribution.”

In reference to the first meeting, which took place in Rome in 2014, he considered that at that time “we planted a flag: land, shelter and work are sacred rights.”

“May no one take away that conviction from you, may no one steal that hope from you, may no one extinguish your dreams,” he hoped.

Then he asked: “Be respectful of the countries where you operate and be responsible for what happens on the platforms you control.”

“They also have the obligation to prevent networks from being used to spread gambling addiction, child pornography or facilitate organized crime,” he urged.

Finally, he left them a “little piece of advice”: “Pay your taxes. It is very important.”


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