Pope Francis, concerned about the migratory drama in the Canary Islands

Pope Francis, concerned about the migratory drama in the Canary Islands

The Diocese of the Canary Islands has reported that the bishops have presented a report to the Holy Father in which they have detailed the three main concerns that arise from the migratory flow on their coasts each year. Firstly, “the death of thousands of people on the Atlantic route”; secondly, “the prolonged stay of minors in care centers for migrants, where they do not receive the adequate process of social integration to achieve a dignified life”; and, finally, the prelates showed their concern about “the uncertain future that is presented to these people when they are transferred to the peninsula, an issue that the Church tries to alleviate by promoting ‘hospitality corridors’.”

Mons. Álvarez highlights to ACI Prensa the special urgency represented by the management of minors (“some arrive up to six years old,” he highlights) who remain under the guardianship of the autonomous communities, but who when they turn 18 “leave the centers , without papers” and with the risk of ending up committing crimes to survive.

To try to alleviate the effects of this situation, programs are developed such as the The Good Samaritan Canarian Foundationled by Father José Félix Hernández, where thanks to the generosity of a family, who lent a farm “the priest can teach them how to farm so that they have a future,” he adds.

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