Pope Francis claims art as a “city of refuge” against selfishness

Pope Francis claims art as a “city of refuge” against selfishness

“In this, Jesus is the perennial Master: he looks at everyone with the intensity of a love that does not judge, but knows how to be close and encourage. And I would say that art educates us to this type of gaze, not possessive, not reifying, but not indifferent, superficial either; “It educates us to have a contemplative gaze,” he stated.

Finally, Pope Francis stressed that “there is a joy and suffering that come together in the feminine in a unique way and that we must listen to, because they have something important to teach us”, while at the same time he hoped that “contemporary art can open us “the eyes, helping us to properly value the contribution of women as co-protagonists of the human adventure.”

At the end of the speech, the Pontiff dedicated a few minutes to briefly greet the authorities present and the artists who have collaborated in the pavilion sponsored by the Holy See before taking a motorboat and traveling to the Basilica of Health, where they await him. Young.

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