Pope Francis celebrates his 87th birthday

Pope Francis celebrates his 87th birthday

Following in the footsteps of Saint John Paul II, he repeatedly asked for peace and an end to the civil wars ravaging the DRC. He also became the first Successor of Peter to visit South Sudan, where he asked to help those internally displaced by wars and natural disasters.

Later in April, Pope Francis made a three-day visit to Hungary. During a ceremony at the Hungarian government headquarters, he condemned gender ideology and the “senseless right to abortion.”

However, the most notable event of the year for Pope Francis was his trip to Portugal between August 1 and 6, to participate in WYD Lisbon 2023. In his messages to young pilgrims, the Pope highlighted that in the Church There is room for everyone and he remembered that God loves his children just as they are.

Subsequently, from August 31 to September 4, the Pontiff undertook a trip to Mongolia, where he gave five speeches over three days in the capital, Ulaanbaatar. During this visit, he reaffirmed his call for peace and addressed the responsibility of religions in pacifying conflicts, underscoring the importance of coherence in testimony. Additionally, he encouraged the small Catholic community not to be afraid.

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