Pope Francis asks young people to get involved in the synodal path and welcome the Jubilee


Pope Francis has called on young Catholic students to get involved in the synodal path of the Church and to host the celebration of the Jubilee 2025 in Rome, in a message addressed to the International Movement Pax Romana.

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In an audience granted to this movement in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Pontiff encouraged those present “to get involved in the synodal path of the Church, made of a shared path, of listening, of participation and commitment in a dialogue open to discernment, and also to be attentive to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit.”

Likewise, he encouraged Catholic students to “welcome the upcoming celebration of the Holy Year 2025 as a special occasion for personal renewal and spiritual enrichment in union with the entire Church.”

In this sense, Pope Francis has stressed that “the eloquent symbol of the Holy Door crossed by the faithful in Rome, reminds us that we are all pilgrims, we are all on the journey, called together to a deeper union with the Lord Jesus and to the availability to the power of his grace, which transforms our lives and the world in which we live.”

In his speech, the Pontiff highlighted the commitment of the members of Pax Romana “to the promotion of social justice and integral human development, inspired by the Catholic faith and its vision of a world increasingly in conformity with the plan of love.” for the human family.”

At the conclusion of his intervention, Pope Francis gave hope for the possible canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati throughout 2025: “Entrusting you all to the intercession of Mary, Queen of Peace, and of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, whom I hope to be counted among the saints in the next Holy Year, I bless you from the bottom of my heart, and I ask you, please, to pray for me,” he expressed.

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