Pope Francis asks to share the joy that is born from the encounter with the Risen Lord

Pope Francis asks to share the joy that is born from the encounter with the Risen Lord

Before concluding, Pope Francis asked to feed that joy by “encountering the Risen Lord, because he is the source of a joy that never runs out. Let us hasten, then, to seek him in the Eucharist, in his forgiveness, in prayer and in the charity lived.”

Finally, he recalled that “joy, when shared, increases. Let us share the joy of the Risen Lord and may the Virgin Mary, who at Easter rejoiced in her resurrected Son, help us to be her joyful witnesses.”

At the end of these words, he led the prayer of Queen Coeli, imparted the apostolic blessing and imparted the blessing. Next, he thanked the messages of “closeness and prayer” that he has received on the occasion of Easter. “I would like the gift of peace to reach where there is the greatest need. To the populations devastated by war, by hunger, by any form of oppression.”

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