Pope Francis arrives in Papua New Guinea amid reports of arrests in Indonesia

Pope Francis arrives in Papua New Guinea amid reports of arrests in Indonesia

After around 6 hours of flight, Pope Francis’ plane landed at the “Jacksons” airport in Port Moresby, in Papua New Guinea, the second country of his trip through Asia and Oceania, after some information about a failed attack on his against during his visit to Indonesia.

The Holy Father took off this September 6 at 9:45 am (local time) from the airport in Jakarta, the Indonesian capital where he stayed for 3 days.

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Image of the papal plane after landing in Port Moresby. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/EWTN News

Upon arriving in Papua New Guinea, about 20 minutes late than expected, the Holy Father was received by the Deputy Prime Minister and two children dressed in traditional costumes who brought him flowers as a gift.

After the Honor Guard, the performance of the anthems and the Honoring of the Flags, the respective Delegations were presented in an elevated structure built near the landing strip.

Flying at both ends was the flag of the Vatican on one side and that of Papua New Guinea on the other.

At the end of this brief welcome ceremony, marked by the wind and the somewhat tired countenance of the Holy Father, he said goodbye to the authorities and traveled by car to the Apostolic Nunciature, where he will rest until tomorrow, when he will resume his agenda.

At the exit of the airport, a large number of people waited to greet the Holy Father with welcome signs.

It is planned that during his stay in Port Moresby, the Pontiff will hold a meeting with the Governor, as well as with the authorities, the diplomatic corps and the prime minister.

He will also visit street children, meet with the bishops and religious of the country and, as usual, will close his visit with a Holy Mass.

On Sunday, September 8, he is scheduled to travel to Vanimo, capital of Sandaun province, in northwestern Papua New Guinea.

Reports of a frustrated attack against Pope Francis

Meanwhile in Indonesia, the Straits Times reported that seven people were detained by police in Jakarta between September 2 and 3 following some warnings about a planned attack against Pope Francis.

According to the local newspaper, one of those arrested – who would belong to a terrorist group – opposed the Holy Father’s visit to the Istiqlal mosque, in the country’s capital.

On September 5, Pope Francis and Grand Imam Nasaruddin Umar signed a joint statement condemning religious violence at the mosque.

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